When the rain clears on Lake Wanaka magic is revealed

A couple of evenings ago a soft cold rain seemed set in, but then a few light patches appeared to support a rainbow in the north, so I rushed off to face that direction.

Meanwhile the clearance continued and looking west; well I followed my eyes.

On arrival near the famous Wanaka lake tree another excited photographer, who was rushing about, shouted out as he pointed, “is that the lonely tree?’

I gave him a thumbs up and off we scurried.

After getting this image on the fly, I lent him my tripod which seemed to surprise him – maybe they don’t do that sort of thing in Hong Kong!

3 Replies to “When the rain clears on Lake Wanaka magic is revealed”

  1. Reflective thoughts while viewing this image, drawing me in.
    We sometimes underestimate the power of this iconic tree for people.

    1. Good point Joy! And thanks for the comment – I’d not realised either that the blog had sort of gone live on FaceBook. Fortunately I’d posted some material!

      If you’d like to become an author let me know. The site has been constructed so that it can become “a place” for others to show their photos.



    2. Nice one Joy, glad it has done this.
      Yes, we can often underestimate the effect our special local places have on others.

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