Last week I came across the above fantail /piwakawaka and as my camera was in my hand, I started stalking him/her with my lens, knowing full-well, like we all do, that these sweeties move about almost too fast for us limited humans.
But I got a good enough shot, and then I had the oddest feeling I was not alone and was being watched, so I took half a breath and realised the kereru was less than a meter from my nose.
The rest was history as they say, but look at the expression. It’s said these beautiful birds are dumb, but that was not what I saw…

Eventually my kereru friend decided to turn away prior to departure, but could not resist looking back for sometime with an air of indecision, or maybe even reluctance…

One of favourite piwakawaka photos taken in red beech forest in Mt Aspiring National Park…

If you happen to be interested in purchasing an image please note which one and email Donald so he can process the various options, and advise you with a link when completed